Monday, March 4, 2013

My Dirty Little Secret

We've all got one...or more. Those rooms where the only course of action is to SHUT THE DOOR!!! My sewing room is one of those places.
YIKES!! This is what I see when I walk in the door. It is truly getting out of hand. This is not a room that beckons.
 There is so much crap on my cutting table that I have LESS than 36" to work.  I have to just keep pushing fabric out of the way so I don't accidentally cut it.
 This is to the right of the cutting table. No problem finding anything here....NOT!
 Here's the window sill in front of my sewing machine.  Can we cram any more up there? My sewing cabinet actually has a portion that folds out to accommodate quilting.  I CAN'T EVEN OPEN IT!!
 Portable table next to the sewing machine cabinet.  Holds sewing machine accessories, etc. The white cabinet next to that holds a TV that isn't connected to cable but will play DVDs. There is a serger behind it. Located in such a way that I can't use it!
 Here is my design wall. (The quilt isn't mine. I borrowed it from Peg's so I could get some correct measurements for the sashing...long story.) You can't see it, but the rolling sewing machine case for the embroidery machine sits on the floor in front of the design wall. Quilts that are waiting to be quilted are folded and sitting on top of the case. There is a closet next to the design wall.  I realized I should have opened that for a couple of shots, too.  Take my word, it fits in to the theme of the room...Disaster!!
 Next to the closet is a pile of batting pieces, plastic container with sewing stuff from my mother and a chair that I painted and intended to recover, but haven't.  Next to that is my ironing board and two book shelves with quilting magazines, patterns and pattern books.  Also, plastic bins with wool pieces, leftover bindings, several 1-yard cuts, some bolts with fabric for backs on them and items for ironing.
 Here is where I can sit and use a computer.  Not a desk, just a 3-draw chest (also filled with fabric..).

  I guess I'm hoping that confessing to this abomination with inspire me to do something about it.  Yesterday, Bob and I brought home some cube- things to put under the cutting table to have a place to store fabric.  We'll see.  I think I need one of those organizational tv shows to come in and fix this.  Or maybe one of the hoarder shows....Wish me luck!


Sally J said...

Oh my goodness you are brave to share. I never would have imagined. You are such a neat and tidy person. Can't wait to see the after pictures so I can be inspired.

princessquiltandknitalot said...

Creative places are rarely neat and tidy (at least that is my excuse!) share the after pictures!