Sunday, March 31, 2013

More Craft Room Reveal..

Here's some more photos of the re-done craft room.  Its still a work in progress. As I look at these pictures, I can see the need to paint the walls in this room! Man, I'm tired of the walls in there! But I digress..

This is a shot of how I decided to bring back some of the pieces I had moved out.  But this time, I stacked them on top of something so now I will have more vertical storage! The shelves look empty , now, but there is a lot more ribbon to store away. I also ordered 2 more clear plastic containers for my embroidery floss. They used to be a JoAn's, but not any more.  But a found a suppler on line at Ken's Sewing Center.
This next shot is of the storage I made under my embroidery machine.  My friend Deb showed me how some of the plastic 3-drawer bins can be taken apart!  So this is a 3-drawer turned into a 2-drawer and fits under my sewing table.  That's a small light box sitting on top.
Next, Is where I usually have my ironing board set up.   So I put all things that I use for that in these cubes.   I also found the red canvas drawers at Menard's for 2.99!  Adds a little color..
I also brought back a 3-drawer chest that I am using for my Accu-quilt Cutter.  This cutter used to sit out in another room in the basement because there was not room in my sewing room! Plus, I can put stuff in the drawers..again.
Next, is a shot of the 3-drawer containers under the extension of my sewing table.  This worked out really well.  I was trying to come up with ways to get rid of all the plastic rolling bins (who's wheels fall off when you move them!), but now they are just out of the way! YAY!!
The next 2 photos are of the cutting table.  We now have all the cubes under the table.  Next time I write about this, I'll try and remember to get the 3rd side. The 4th sits against the wall.  I'm also going to have Bob put up one more smaller peg board, in this area, to accommodate rulers and cutters.

BTW, Happy Easter!  Lauren came home this weekend with 3 friends from Beloit. Maybe I can get a picture at dinner..maybe not. They seem to be having fun, we just don't get to see  much of them..
Here's a shot of the Easter candy I got at Stam chocolates in Dubuque last weekend. Now, there's a fun place to shop!!!

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