Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Painting Again!

You know how you feel you have to get stuff done but you just never seem to get around to it?  And then you get all depressed because you don't get stuff done?  Well, I've been in that mind set about my painting.  Remember all my enthusiasm around Annie Sloan Chalk Paint?  And all fabulous things I was going to transform? Yeah, well....not so much.  I still love the stuff and the ease of using it.  Its just that I screwed up my shoulder a few months back and never got back 'in the groove', so to speak.  I was in the middle of painting a writing desk and  I am STILL in the middle of painting a writing desk.  Now, it just mocks me when I see it...so naturally, I avoid going in that room.

BUT NOT TODAY!! (trumpets should be blaring).  Today, I faced my 'enemy' and walked in that room. Unfortunately, I did not work on the writing desk.  But, I did make friends with it and plan to finish it soon.   I did give myself a fun little project to sort of get me back in the swing of things.  Below, is a bust that belongs to my mom.  Since all her things have ended up at my house, I put this little charmer on my baker's rack in the dining area.
She's on the shelf with the wine. Her head rests on her hand as she writes in a book.  Mom said her grandmother had one just like it and that she remembered seeing it when she was a child. Since its a replica, and since it doesn't show up very well, I decided to paint it.
I started with two coats of old white.  Then I dry brushed on old ochre. Then I took a slightly damp cloth and rubbed off some of the old ochre.  Then I applied clear wax and buffed it.  I think it turned out quite charming.  Looks like old stone to me.
So, I didn't get to the writing desk, but I feel like painting now.  So it is just a question of time, I'm sure.

By the way, here's a picture of the Bunny Tail Quilt.  The top is done. I just don't have it quilted yet.
Oh, and Lauren is on her way out West, today. Their first night is camping somewhere by Sioux Falls S. Dak. Tomorrow they will see the Badlands and camp there. Then on to the Black Hills, Mt Rushmore, and Devil's Tower.  Then further and further into Wyoming.  Hope she has a great time!!

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