Monday, November 12, 2012

Quilt Retreat in Dubuque

Spent last weekend in Dubuque at the Shalom Retreat Center with my peeps..Jackie and Jeannie.  This is the same place we were at in April with just about the same group of people.  Its a weekend of quilting, knitting, and yakking.  So relaxing and enjoyable.
It is in an old building that used to be a Catholic Girls School.  Above is the room where we all set up our machines and spend the majority of our time. Everyone has there own room for sleeping and the bathrooms and showers are shared.  We eat down in the basement in the dinning room and all the meals are prepared for us.  They are excellent!  Its a great weekend.  We even got out on Saturday for a little excursion to the knit shop and quilt shop.  Looking forward to the spring retreat!  Thanks, Dayna!!!
 Above is a tree in downtown Iowa City that has been 'knit bombed'!!  Jackie and I went downtown today to see them.  How cool!  (I would recommend going when it is NOT 34 degrees!).  These are three of 135 trees  that received similar homemade sweaters as part of the Iowa City Downtown District’s Tree Huggers project.
All the yarn was supplied by Home Ec Workshop. They had over 200 people volunteer to make the huggers!  As you can see, we have a lot of over achievers in Iowa City!!
Great job!!!

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