Sunday, February 5, 2012

Its Been Confirmed...

Well, there you go!  There IS royalty on Bob's side of the family.  This really makes the genealogy search sooo much easier!  Actually, this was on Lauren's FB page.  Thanks for finding it, Sarah!!

It is so easy to get lost on these computers!  I start looking at Ravelry, and the next thing I know, an hour has just flown out the window!  Or it leads me to other blogs and there goes another hour.  Or, as in last evening, I went to Less Is More and joined the sock club and I am now several dollars poorer! Thanks, Sally! ( Actually, I've wanted to join a sock club for a while but always find out about them after the fact, so, really, thanks!)  BTW, I have now spent an hour doing this blog... I have to stop!!  And here's the kicker...I'm still waiting to hear from Pinterest... you have to ask to join!  I guess I've done this to myself!!


Sally J said...

I'm so glad that I could help! You are going to love this club. Get ready to LOVE Pinterest too.

princessquiltandknitalot said...

I sent you a pinterest invite