Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Year Begins...

So, its a new year.  I need to work at finishing a few projects around here!  Yesterday I did this little snowman quilt.  A Patrick Lose design.  But, it really wasn't on my 'to do' list.  That seems to be my problem, I get off on a tangent and then never get back to the main event.

An example is my 'knitting' basket.  What a disaster! (See below)
YIKES!  There isn't enough time in the day.....
I have been trying to do stranded color work.  I took a class once a long time ago and never kept up with it.  Now, after I've been knitting for a few years, I want to expand my horizons.  But, so far, all I've finished is a hat.

Here, Lauren models after I felted it.  It was quite large prior to felting..
I'm not even going to show you my cutting table in my sewing room...
As my dad once said, "An old cow couldn't find her calf there." Piles of fabric, bags of fabric kits, stacks of books and patterns. Somebody stop me!!!
So, here's my hope for 2012...a tidy sewing room and a half full yarn basket.  Good luck to me!

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