Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Finished socks!!

Well, its May and I haven't blogged for awhile. I finished my socks!! They look pretty good for a first time. They weren't as bad as I thought they would be. It was the getting started that threw me. I think I could do them again...but will I?? I still like my double pointed needles the best. Maybe I should try the 2 socks on 1 circular needle and see how frustrated I can get with that...

I 'steeked' (I think that's the word) my shoulder straps on the pink shell. You might recall that I knitted the back straps waaay too long so I had to get rid of the excess. Haven't joined the front to the back yet. I'll let you know how it turns out.

I've started a French market bag with soysilk. Its pretty cool and very colorful. I started this bag a gazillion times when I first started knitting but I didn't understand all the directions for the handle and proceeded to get very frustrated. So I tucked it away. But a week ago, my friend and I visited a yarn shop and there was the yarn that I had originally seen the bag done with and I thought I would give it another shot. Its actually coming along nicely.

The weather has finally turned into perfect spring weather. I was trying to get some photos of some Orioles at my neighbors feeders this morning. She probably thinks I'm kind of creepy.... I should give her one of the photos so she doesn't think she lives next to a weirdo.

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