Friday, September 13, 2013

Updating My Blog

I haven't blogged for a while.  My mother passed away on August 31, and things have been crazy before and since.  The good news is that she was 93 and she was sooo wanting to join dad and it finally happened.  She was only sick for 3 days, so I guess that's good too. She got to stay at the nursing home in hospice care and not at a hospital where she would have been poked and stuck and pricked, so that's good too. And, it was good that my 2 brothers were able to talk with her before she passed.

The beautiful flowers were at the funeral service and are now planted in our little back flowerbed. Another friend sent some money and said to get something to honor mom and that we would see daily so I finally got a hummingbird feeder!  The hummingbirds found it the first day and have been feeding there everyday, all day! Mom would have loved to seen that!

Our family gathered for the funeral at our home. We are a pretty small group these days. It was good to be with every one.
Lauren was able to come home for the weekend.  Her friend, Julia, came with her.  I was so glad that Lauren didn't have to drive the 3 hours all alone with her thoughts...  Besides, Julia was our official photographer!

1 comment:

Sally J said...

So sorry to hear about your mom. I'm glad you are back to blogging. I love seeing what you are up to. I wish I could get my blog motivation going... Take care