Sunday, October 30, 2011

Still blogging!!

Yes, I'm blogging again!  I am trying to keep this up a little more frequently.  Even though I really have very little to blog about!  I did finish a knitting project, a hat and scarf.  My first attempt at cables.  I used a yummy alpaca for both. It turned out OK. I won't tell you where the errors are!

Bob has been sick the last several days.  Don't know if its flu or food poison.  But whatever it is, he has been down for 3 days!  So not like Bob. (If it's flu, hope I don't get it...)

Finally got all my dyed hair grown out.  I told Lauren that as soon as she graduated from high school, I was 'going gray'.  So I started NOT dying it in June and finally cut away what was left last week.  Here is the end result.
Yikes!  Who knew?!  I had to cut it pretty short to get rid of the brown, but at least its all me..

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