Sunday, July 10, 2011

Survived Grad Party and more...

Bob helps Lauren and Sarah get ready for the party.
Wow, I survived the Graduation Party!  Lauren and her friend Sarah had a party together.  It was a Circus Theme, so we had popcorn, sno-cones and cotton candy!  Everyone was on a sugar high by the end of day!

Lilly making popcorn.

Sarah's sister Lilly helped and dressed in a clown outfit.  What a hoot!! Sarah and Lauren had a great time.  Soon they will both be off to their own big adventure.
Lauren, Sarah and Sue

Other fabulous brother David had a heart transplant a few days after the party!!!  He is doing wonderfully well and is back home in Des Moines.  He will be coming back here a couple times a week for the next few weeks for check ups.  We are all so happy, relieved and thankful.  What an incredible gift.

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