Sunday, June 14, 2015

She Did It!!!

Miss Lauren graduated from Beloit College in Beloit Wisconsin on May 17,20015!  We couldn't be more proud of her! 

Lauren and Josh
Bob and I were there!

David and Marcia joined us

Sarah joined us, too
It was a great ceremony and the weather was quite nice.

This is Lauren and 3 of her 4 roomies.  They are standing in front of their house. Everybody decorated the top of their mortarboards.  Lauren has a small zen pile of rocks on hers (geology major).

David and Marcia and Bob and I arrived the day before.  We had a reception with the college president, Baccalaureate Ceremony, followed by Grad party at Lauren's house (Tacos and all the fixins!) Then a wine reception at the geology department. It was a lovely and busy evening.  
We drove her packed car home following graduation on Sunday. And, POOF!, it was over!

  She moves to Kansas City the end of this month and starts working for Grassroots Campaigns in July. We've got a little time here before she goes,  But lots of sorting and packing to do.
Its such an exciting time! So many beginnings! We want happiness and success for her!

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