Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Things are progressing around here.  Yesterday the couch arrived (note the tags).  Finally got to move the two chairs off the shag area rug!  I repainted the baskets in the baker's rack and the wooden shelf to French linen.  Kind of resembles old french baskets, I guess.  Much better than the blue, that I never really liked.

Above is the desk I painted, also in French linen.  The chair for it is getting the seat recovered and should be ready next Monday.  Notice there is nothing on the walls yet.  Its really hard to put nail holes in freshly painted walls,  but it will happen soon.  Trust me.

Last weekend, we put the plates and greenery back above the cabinets.  I debated about the greenery, but it won out in the end.  There is still a lot of junk on the countertops because I still don't have a spot for everything yet.  Need to bring a buffet up from the lower level.  So the dining area is looking pretty sparse.

Above, is the living room.  I will be painting the coffee table legs and trim to match the cabinet, graphite.  We were going to put the TV on the mantle (because there is a hook up) but decided the new (old) painted piece would look better.  Now I have to put something on the mantle.  I'm thinking about having a small quilt framed that  I made several years ago. Below, is the quilt against the couch and wall color.
What do yo think?  It would hang or sit on the mantle.
Well that's it for now.  Iowa city has an Artfest this weekend.  Maybe I can find something fabulous to put on the walls by local artists.  I'll keep you posted.

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