Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Holy Smoly....Its Memorial Day weekend! Where has the time gone? Sorry for the lack of blogging. I have been busy but I'm not sure I've been so busy that I couldn't have written a little something.

School is almost out. They have to go til June 7 because of the snow days last winter. Everyone loves a snow day until its the end of the school year.

Daughter had a wonderful time in France! She was there over spring break plus a few extra days beyond. A week in Paris and then on to the south of France to spend a week with a host family. The experience was terrific and I know she would go again in a blink (who wouldn't?). In late August we will be hosting the French girl that daughter stayed cool is that?

We've also been busy with more JazzEnsemble competitions and performances. The Jazz band is really exceptional. And we are all quite grateful that the school district hasn't cut any of these fine programs.

Prom was in May. Daughter's first. She wasn't all that terribly impressed. I think the most excitement comes from the preparation more than the actual going to the prom...oh well.

Been getting some planting done in our yard. We live in a condo, so there isn't much yard to deal with. But we split up several hosta and spread them around a bit. Everything is looking very lush now.

Finished knitting a top for daughter. She actually liked it! Haven't seen it on yet.

I've started a quilt for daughter. It is from a Kaffe Fasset book called 'Quilts In the Sun'. Its the one on the cover. I've got it cut out, but still working on assembly.

I finished up a quilt that was made with my embroidery machine. Its the first time I've done something like this. It was a block of the month and I realize I really hate block of the month takes forever! But the finished project is cute and I certainly learned alot about using the embroidery side of my machine.

In fact I guess I learned so much that I traded in the Brother embroidery machine for a new Brother Quattro machine. It has bigger hoops and still is a fabulous sewing machine.Just got it about a week ago.

Patrick Lose was in Iowa again. What a fun guy! He taught a class for the quilt shop. They made his poster quilt, Upward Mobility. I had made the piece earlier so it would be in the shop to entice people to take the class. Its now hanging on my front door...cute as can be!

Have a great weekend, everyone. Hope all is well.